The 8th European Phycological Congress “Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution” is taking place in Brest (Brittany, France) from 20-26th August 2023.
The European Phycological Congress series’ main objective is to provide a forum for discussion of the latest scientific, technological and societal developments in phycological research.
EPC8 includes plenary presentations, a series of symposia grouped into 6 themes, contributed papers and posters covering a wide range of topics such as algal diversity, ecology, genomics, cell biology, applied phycology and societal perception of algae. To encourage cross-community connections, each symposium will address micro- and macroalgae from marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems whenever possible.
Project partner Ifremer will take part in the Congress to present the outlook of the BlueRemediomics project. To register for the event and to find out more information on the plenary speakers, sessions, and workshops, please visit the link below.