The Blue Biome Boffins Campaign

Celebrating the valuable work of our BlueRemediomics partners and promoting their research achievements!

Welcome to the “Blue Biome Boffins” Campaign where we interview different participants in the BlueRemediomics project, from Early Career Scientists to Senior Researchers, to learn more about their role and valuable work in making this project a success. 

The BlueRemediomics consortium brings together a diverse group of researchers and stakeholders spanning academia, industry, and public interest foundations from across Europe and South Africa. To celebrate the valuable work of all BlueRemediomics partners, with this initiative we aim to promote the research within the consortium.

How did you get interested in marine research? What excites you most about your research in the BlueRemediomics project? Read the articles below to find out more about our researchers unique journeys and roles as part of the project!

Pietro Tedesco – SZN

Biotechnologist at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

Abbe Brown – UNIABDN

Professor at the University of Aberdeen

Neda Gilannejad – NORCE

Senior researcher at the Norwegian Research Centre NORCE

Federica Casolari - UNIABDN

Postdoc at the University of Aberdeen

Rob Finn - EMBL

BlueRemediomics Co-Coordinator and WP1 lead