18. Zilt

Zilt - Project Partners - Blueremediomics

Zilt is a start-up R&D company in sustainable aquaculture health and RAS management.

Expertise and focus: interaction between nutrition, environment and the aquatic microbiome. Through state of the art (molecular) techniques, key parameters are being identified allowing early detection of de-stabilizing actors of the aquaculture system. Through various strategies stabilization of aquaculture systems is envisaged, improving productivity and cost-efficiency. On site infrastructure: RAS test facility, pilot installation for integrated culture, quarantine/nursery and wetlab for small scale experiments.

Zilt is part of WP4 in which we will investigate the role of seaweed on the microbiome of tropical shrimp culture in RAS.

Mieke Eggermont|Mieke.eggermont@zilt.eu