The Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre (LBMC) is a state-funded research institute that has become a national leader in molecular biology and biomedicine since its establishment in 1993. The institute conducts both basic and applied research in diverse areas, including genetics, host and environmental metagenomics, recombinant biotechnology, molecular virology, and more. To support these activities, LBMC has established several core facilities, including an advanced genetic analysis facility and a bioinformatics unit. These facilities serve as national competence centers and train the younger generation of researchers while disseminating skills and knowledge to other local research institutions.
Within the scope of BlueRemediomics LBMC will act as provider of marine metagenomic data, explore the possibilities of cyanobacterial bloom control employing cyanophages and participate in developments that are aimed at improvement of aquaculture sustainability.
Davids Fridmanis|