1. European Molecular Biology Laboratory

European Molecular Biology Laboratory - Project Partners - Blueremediomics

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Germany is Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences and an international non-profit organisation headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany with operations across six sites. The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) is the UK based duty site and is a world leader in the provision of bioinformatics resources and tools to the scientific community at large through its management of a unique set of key biomolecular databases. The EMBL-EBI based microbiome resource MGnify represents the fulcrum of the BlueRemediomics project activities, serving as an integrated platform to explore prokaryotic, eukaryotic, and viral members of the marine microbiome communities. EMBL is the coordinator of BlueRemediomics (PI of project and MGnify Dr Robert Finn) bringing onboard tremendous expertise in microbiome informatics, microbiome-host interactions, microbial and metabolic modelling.

EMBL co-leads three work packages (WP) in BlueRemediomics. In WP1, it will facilitate through MGnify a fully integrated platform for functional characterisation of marine microbiomes, develop computational workflows to perform metabolic modelling of marine communities, and disseminate developments to the wider community via training courses. It will harness microbial communities for bioremediation processes in WP3. EMBL will coordinate the project activities through WP7. 

Dr. Robert Finn|rdf@ebi.ac.uk