BlueRemediomics coordinator EMBL has joined forces with the Horizon Europe funded project Blue-Cloud2026. The EMBL team is involved in the data product part of the project, specifically regarding metabarcoding pipeline updates, that will allow the incorporation of omics data into the global ocean model.
Blue-Cloud 2026 is a collaborative project that leverages Europe’s expertise in aquatic environmental observation and data handling. Building on existing infrastructures like Copernicus and EMODnet, Blue-Cloud aims to create a federated ecosystem for FAIR and open data in marine research. Through a web-based platform, it offers simplified access to multidisciplinary datasets, analytical services, and computing facilities.
The Blue-Cloud2026 project is co-organising the International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems (IMDIS) taking place in Bergen (Norway), 27-29 May 2024. The IMDIS conference is structured around four main sessions: data services and tools in ocean science; technical developments for marine information and data management; marine environmental infrastructures for observation data; and data products, information, and knowledge.
The Conference will present different systems for on-line access to data, meta-data and products, communication standards and adapted technology to ensure platforms interoperability. Sessions will focus on infrastructures, technologies and services for different users: environmental authorities, research, schools, universities, etc.
Blue-Cloud2026 ties to BlueRemediomics:
As part of their work in Blue-Cloud2026, EMBL will leverage the MAG catalogues that will be produced in BlueRemediomics, which comes with interesting linking functions. Strong links exist also between the omics data made available through BlueRemediomics, other data being collected in Blue-Cloud2026 (such as ocean currents data) and the Ocean Microbiome Health Index (MHI) that will be developed under BlueRemediomics WP4.
Blue-Cloud2026 is tightly interwoven with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), specifically when it comes to developing and testing analytical Blue Cloud workbenches for generating highly qualified Essential Ocean Variables (EOV) data collections. A key effort involving BlueRemediomics is the data harmonisation by running MGnify standardised pipelines.
Find out more about Blue-Cloud2026 and register for the event through the link below!